tomato jam (more like chutney)

I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed with the amount of tomatoes in my garden that are still green. It’s September 27th and my tomatoes, despite a few, could be mistaken for one of the green variety yet they are supposed to be red or orange. However, I did manage to harvest some red Roma and orange Heirlooms and they are beautiful.

I was wondering what to do with them and I knew I didn’t want to go the traditional route, ie: slice them up, throw some salt and pepper, a little olive oil and just eat them or make tomato sauce. I wanted to think outside the box a little and then David mentioned I should make tomato jam and that is what I did yesterday. Despite being was weary about how it would actually taste, to my surprise it turned out delicious!

I adapted my recipe from one I found in the NY Times and from one I found on the blog Sassy Radish. Here is what I ended up doing:

I used about two pounds of various tomatoes.

Then I began by removing the skins from each tomato but take it from me, don’t do it with a vegetable peeler. Did you know there is actually a specific technique for removing tomatoes skins? I didn’t until David walked in the kitchen and saw my messy attempt at peeling them and chuckled when asking me what I was doing.

“Removing the skins” I said.

“You know there is an easier, not to mention cleaner way of doing that, right? He replied

“Oh” was all I said in return.

After he explained said technique I decided I would just continue doing it my way telling him I wanted to feel rustic when in reality, I was already on the last tomato and it seemed a bit of a pain to boil a pot of water, cut an X in the bottom of the last tomato, place it in the boiling water, and then effortlessly pull the skin off.

After I peeled all the tomatoes I placed them into a pot and added the following:

1 green apple, peeled and chopped up

1/2 chopped onion

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1/4 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup cane sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. coriander

dash of cumin

Juice of half a lemon

Put all ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and let ingredients simmer for about 3 hours.

This morning I had breakfast



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2 Responses to tomato jam (more like chutney)

  1. Renee says:

    This looks delicious. I will have to share this receipe with my cousin who has an overabundance of tomatoes and is always looking for new receipes. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh yum, that looks really nice!!! I’d love that for breakfast on the weekend!

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